Thursday, November 25, 2010

To Move On

Oh the many stories that revolve around personal healing meet the number of people around the world who have needed them to be said at some point in their lives. There are those that have been told so many times that the details have been warped. Surely, a great number was shared only once or twice and only to the "victim"'s (I use that word lightly) confidant of confidants. The lot of them have probably fallen on deaf ears. And maybe some were never even told because its owners probably took no notice of the subtle coming of his/her healing.

The point is we all have these success stories of moving on and getting stronger and putting our lives back on track. (Yes, I'm talking to you Justine Balsicas.) Some have carried burdens not many can bear. They have come out of the greatest of tragedies, anew. Those are the ones fit for the books. And I salute them.

But I want to draw focus on the ones whose stories, because of its menial problems, posed no comparison to those harsh realities some people have had to face. I suppose failing test scores,break-up's and broken friendships are nothing when set against, to name a few, finding out you have cancer, having your parents murdered, being scammed out of your life's savings, or growing up being dirt poor that you had to look through garbage cans for food. But it doesn't make their stories,many of our stories, any less worth telling. Because there was a time that these little things brought the same amount hurt that the one who has faced unspeakable heartache felt. Just because your problem isn't as big as the world's, doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

I had one such experience. It was a trivial thing when put in contrast with the horrors other people have had. But there was a time it choked me out of my senses. All the ranting and the crying and moping around was, in retrospect, probably overdone. It got so bad I felt like the world was crumbling before me. Although the feeling didn't stay as drastically apocalyptic for too long, the ranting, crying, and moping ran longer than it should have. The many faces of feigned strength and the untruthful "I'm okay"'s stuck way longer than I had hoped. But right now, truthfully and undoubtedly, I am okay.

Moving on is a funny thing. When I come upon something that would have sent me swirling into a pit of depression just a few weeks ago, I find myself unfazed instead. I sit there and wait for a tight twinge in my heart or the sudden pull of a frown. To my surprise, it does not come. The previously familiar sinking feeling in my gut is now filed away for another rainy day.

This is my story. It may not be worth telling the world, but it is worth reassuring the ones who have waited for my recovery. My story is irrelevant in the eyes of those great survivors of tragedy, but in mine, it is one of greatest feats of personal triumph. And I'm glad to have it that way. Because if dealing with something considered utterly irrelevant amidst world hunger and global warming was bad for the crumbly nature of my personality, anything more difficult will prove to create permanent psychological damage. And I'm already running low on sanity! So we can't have that.



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bark With No Bite

There is a version of myself that I'd like to become. The only problem is, she exists only in my fantasies. She is confident and level - headed. She commands authority just by walking and she always makes the right calls. She's spiritual, smart, successful, (and sexy.) And most of all, she loves a challenge.

Then there's me. The real, boring, introverted, cowardly shell of a dreamer. I chanced upon an opportunity to do what I do everyday-- talk, only it was in front of a lot of people. And for a while I was pumping with excitement. Already, I was getting ahead of myself, the way I always do. My mind created this brand new world starring me, whose undiscovered potential suddenly decided wake up one morning and kick ass.

It lasted about an hour.

When the adrenaline died and I returned from the gush of utter happiness, reality kicked in. Self- doubt took over. Cowardice grabbed the wheel. And fear was calling the shots. Like an unsuspecting target shot at point blank range, it hit me. There is no undiscovered potential. There is no other version of myself just waiting for a chance to come out. There is only me. There is only a girl who can talk about her dreams, but cannot chase them.

When push came to shove, I backed down. And I don't understand why. I regret it a bit, but the regret won't kill me. Nothing will change. I will, as I have always done, merely exist. To live, and then to die, without ever leaving a mark. I can talk the talk, but my walk is the walk of shame. When the going gets tough, this toughie's a complete softy. My dreams will never materialize not because I don't possess the ability to make them happen (Not that I would know because I've always played it safe) but for the sheer lack of trying. My fear of failure and my insecurities grip me too tightly that I can't picture overcoming them. I will always be too scared to take the risk.

And I'm sick of it.

But here we are again. Tough talk is all it is. And that's all there will ever be.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I don't know what's happening to me. I don't know who I'm turning into. When did I become this person? I'm lazy, complacent and unmotivated. I used to procrastinate, but this just ridiculous. I'm blowing important things off. I'm falling into a routine of just constant failure. It's failure after failure after failure. And I know I should be trying my hardest to turn things around but instead I preoccupy myself with anything but the things I must do.

I've lost my spiritually. I've given up every conviction I have ever had. I swear. I've drank. I've cheated. Next thing I know I'm gonna be doing drugs or something. I don't pray anymore. I don't have relationship with God anymore. I'm irritable, and mean, and hateful and ungrateful. I've become so superficial and have become obsessed with my looks.

I act terribly towards my family. I'm a burden to my friends. I'm worth walking out on.Besides, Who's to say I was ever worth keeping?

Who am I if not for the morals I kept, the standards I held, the relationships I fostered? If two years ago, you would've told me this is the person I would become, I'd have laughed. I'd have said that I'd never let go of my God. I'd have said I was passionate and driven. I'm 18 and I'm exhausted. I don't know if the path I'm on is right. I'm so scared that I'll just get fed up and give up all of a sudden someday. Someday when I've wasted so much time. I'm not cut out for this. My life has hit rock bottom. And I've no way of getting myself out.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How A Bad Day Ends - Poem

Today was terrible. And as I react to every bad day, I become a thoughtless, cranky mad man. You'll see how angry I become. You'll see how easily I lose hope. How easily I crumble to depression. The part of the poem that's full of angst, I wrote on the walk home. After I let off some steam, I get home regaining a bit of common sense. I couldn't very well let all that angry poetry go to waste,so I decided to write back to my angry self. You'll see the shift in my mood. And how uncharacteristically optimistic I become.( I swear, I'm bipolar!) And this is usually what happens when I've cooled down. I hope you enjoy it. :)

How A Bad Day Ends
By: Jessamine Cola

If I now I just stopped breathing
I’m going straight to hell
And this world will soon follow
As far as I can tell

I don’t believe in friendship
Nor in good and honest work
Love is only actual,
When it comes with mundane perks

I’ve been stripped of my morals
I’ve come to learn to hate
My body’s slowly dying
My ethereal soul mutates

My life has lost all meaning
My God has been replaced
By guises of the devil
Yet I run to them in haste

Time will wait for no one
And certainly not for me
My future’s morphing into
One colossal tragedy

I bear not the ability
To create change in my routine
The extent of my efforts
Is but a muffled scream

Eyes closed, I dive backwards
And free fall into spite
Of everything I’m doing wrong
And inability to make them right

I’m lacking in courage
I’m lacking in strength
To deny my apathy
And make concrete my intents

I live in my daydreams
For my real life, I can’t stand
If only wishes did come true
You had life at your command

But life isn’t just a slab of clay
You mould to your delight
It is the foolish man who makes
A mountain for every hill in sight

Don’t dare talk of injustice
For justice has been paid
Unless the justice that you seek
Is in a passing grade

Your faults are yours and no one else’s
So lower your pointed finger
Get mad, and shout, and swear if must
Then let no bad feeling linger

You can rant all day about people you hate
of the things you must do that you despise
But that only means, you must slave the night
For Ra’s chariot will soon cross the skies

Leave your frustrations at the tip of your pen
And drown them in the blackness of ink
Today will be one of many bad days
But good days number far more than you think

Look back when you’re older
Look back when you’re wise
Look back when you’ve found
Courage and strength in your stride

The clumsiness of your youth
Will be a thing of the past
But it’s no easy road
Get your act together, fast!

I wish you well, friend
That tomorrow will bring
A day that falls under “good”
One with a smile to share and a song to sing
So perhaps you’ll write of brighter things :)

-don't forget to leave a comment! :D-


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Poem :)

Forgive me for the title, for title's i cannot make. It's worse than my shallow poetry but nothing like my prose ;)

The Modern Meaning of Love
By: Jessamine Cola

Were love and friendship fleeting
Were romance tied with lust
Were lovers unbelieving
Then I should leave, I must

Were soul mates only fiction
Were courtship but a game
Were sex just an addiction
Then I should go insane

Did true love only triumph
And lovers learned to wait
Did vows retain their meaning
And trust was no debate

Had hearts been saved from breaking
Had promises been kept
“I love you,” not a saying
But meant with profound depth

I simply cannot swallow
What love has now become
We’re walking shells so hollow
I cannot stay, I’ll run

But there are those exceptions
That stop me in my step
Give hope to a revival
And take a chance , instead

This world may not be perfect
This world may be perverse
But somewhere in the hearts of men
Love was planted first

Before it was corrupted
Before its meaning bent
There was a time, it triumphed,
Perhaps, it will again

Thursday, September 16, 2010

King Of Anything

Sara Bareilles - King Of Anything

Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table
While I look outside
So many things I’d say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by

You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine
And get out of here fast

I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

You sound so innocent, all full of good intent
Swear you know best
But you expect me to jump up on board with you
And ride off into your delusional sunset

I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see

I'm hopelessly stuck on this song. I believe it's the new breed of strong feminine music infused with a catchy mainstream melody. From the likes of Whitney Houston and Celine Deon who belted out notes that stood up to the still existing (except now we're fighting back)oppression toward women down to the timeless tunes of the Spice Girls who created a whole new image for us, and not to mention feisty girl bands like Lillix that say "we can have attitude so deal with it" .For years now, women have been able to express themselves through their music and lyrical masterpieces. Quite a long way from being damsels in distress waiting for her knight in shining armour so we could bestow our favor upon them. Maybe if guys actually took the time to read between the lines of "chick music", they'd prolly be a lot less assholes in the world. Granted most of the music I listen to are bellowed by bags of testosterone, there are just songs like these that make you think twice about the girly screams, inwardly or otherwise, we give out whenever we see a very interesting male specimen. hahaha. Most female artists sing of heart break or gooey lovey dovey feeling, not that there's anything wrong with that, because I'm truly a hopeless romantic, but finally, a song that stands up to the man in a very literal sense of the phrase.

And really, what is with men and being scared out of their wits of high powered, strong, intimidating women?

Who's the weaker specie now? :)



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

it's 3AM, i must be lonely =P

I've reason to believe that my dreams have blurred with reality. My subconscious delivers far too realistic images through my unconscious mind. If I've shared with you an experience that happened in my dream that I genuinely believed to be true, then I apologize for the confusion. I think this has happened many times. I'm a liar! (Although I don't mean to be) And I only notice a few hours, or maybe days later. By then, it would be far too awkward to bring up the subject again in hopes of correcting myself and taking back my point against heaven.

I can picture it now: Amidst present conversation, I go, "hey do you remember that story I told you about blah3x last blah3x?" I will be received with a blank expression, and then a nod and smile (out of politeness), or perhaps whoever I'm talking to actually remembers but doesn't see where the conversation is going. Regardless, I will do one of two things, either I dismiss the thought altogether (definitely the easier path), or I delve into explanations that need explanations which will waste me a good few minutes. Minutes I could have spent sharing some other bizarre story, that a few hours later, will reveal itself to be a figment of my imagination.

Life Update:

I don't know what it is about the wee hours of the morning that gets me so hyped up. I have spent the last 30 minutes dancing around like a crazy person :)) I suppose it's time I get back to studying.


Cheers! (for all things true, good and beautiful)


Monday, September 13, 2010

Revival of the Morning Pages!

The Morning Pages – For everyone's viewing pleasure (if you even consider all this ranting pleasurable)

Life Update:

I was supposed to get up at 1 am to study. When I did, I set the alarm at 2, so I could have one more precious hour of sleep. At 2, I was in too deep a sleep to even hear the alarm. I woke up at a quarter to 7, and have been studying ever since.

Moving on...

My morning prayers have no longer been a part of my routine since... well , a long time now. In fact, just praying in general has seemed to evaporate from my life. That sounds horrible, I know. I refuse to believe that my commitment to follow God was merely a phase. But that’s what it looks like now. I want to change, I do. It seems as though there are so many things preventing me from doing so – first and foremost, the animal i have become. Hahaha. Okay, a little too much, but that’s how it feels :( I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep because for the past couple of months, that’s all I’ve been making.How do I get back to where i was before? I’ve never been so lost in my life. It’s never been so dark. I need to find Him again, if it’s the last thing i do. (What i fear is going to happen, is that an hour from now, this resolve will have been forgotten, and I’ve got this gut feeling that that’s where this is going.)



Sunday, September 12, 2010


The human person is woven with threads of flaws. But, flawed as we are, the one thing we do possess is the great capacity to love. It is this capacity, that when requited, brings us indescribable joy that those who have felt it can say nothing but, “You’ll have to see for yourself to understand.” But as there is a tail to every head of a coin, love has proven to bring as much pain and sorrow as it does joy. Every relationship is a gamble. I’m not speaking only of romances, but in any relationship where you allow yourself to be vulnerable. Relationships wherein you allow people to be close enough to hurt you, but trust them enough not to. When you take that chance, you raise the stakes. And if lady luck is on your side, you emerge victorious. You emerge happy. But what if you lose the gamble, and you break your heart instead? It drives people insane enough never to want to do with anything of that sort again. They hide inside themselves for it’s no small feat to allow yourself to wear your heart on your sleeve, and when it is crushed, you’ve not choice but to hide. And you can’t blame them.

Detachment is easily more convenient than having a muck of personal relationships tying you down. The closer you are to someone, the more accountable you become for everything that person does. The closer you are to someone, the easier it is for them to hurt you. If that’s the case, why do we thrive on human contact? Why are we so afraid of being alone? Detachment, although lonely, is clearly the safer alternative. We do it because the pro's far outweigh con's. In your life, people will hurt you. People will walk out of your life. But the people who stay, the love they give you is more than enough to fill the holes that those who’ve hurt you have left behind. If someone thought you weren’t worth it, the people who stayed think you are. And you owe them as much.

To the people who have never given up on me, this one’s for you :)


Mother Dear #1

My mom is funny without meaning to be. The things she says just crack me up.
And i'd like to preserve those things. It's a pity I didn't think of this sooner, because many a funny statement has been lost to failing memory.


perhaps it's not as funny to you, but it is to me :))

Here's one I remember from before

Je, I like your face
HAHAHA. why thankyou mum!


Facebook has become an outlet for me to pour out my heart and soul. The problem being, it is far too public. Although i know that, it doesn't stop me from expressing my innermost feelings. So I've asked my friend to change my password in hopes of relieving me of my destructive habit. Destructive because when you share your feelings like that, i think in a sense, you're feeding it too. I've always found solace in ranting. But why rant when nobody wants to listen? Here, very few people read my blog. And so it's more of just letting it out to myself mostly.

I'll leave you here. Perhaps in the days to come, my updates will become more frequent, and made of more sensible stuff :)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I am a proud Filipino.

But goodness gracious! does the language have to be so difficult? i mean, really!
I'm doing research on "pagbasa at pagsulat sa iba't-ibang disiplina" SIGH. someone save me! :(

Sunday, January 17, 2010


one of the most popular, exciting, incredible, fun-filled festivals of the year!

...and i choose to stay at home, thank you very much.

This festival supposed to be in honor of the child Jesus, we so fondly call Sto. Nino. And yet, it seems that the festival has lost its meaning. Maybe not for everyone, but i don't see how getting drunk out of your mind exalts Sto. Nino in any way.

What awaits me if i enter the world of the unknown? For one thing, crowds. I cannot stand them. And crowds of people rubbing against each other bring about a certain... odor, and a nasty one at that! The putrid smell of nicotine will drive me away faster than cheetah having an adrenalin rush. (Gosh, bad metaphor, but i've no time to think right now.) As i mentioned above, drunks who have lost their mind, and that just isn't good for anybody.

Well okay, i probably shouldn't be so bitter. It is a festival after all. And i guess today i will brave the outside world a few times, just to not be anti-social, but will retreat back to my homely haven.

Hmmm... i love what this celebration stands for. We ought to give thanks to Sto. Nino for the wonders He's done for our city. I just think we should give Him due respect by not doing the things we know he'd disapprove of. Nothing is wrong with having fun. And i don't wanna come across as some sour kill - joy. (Which is difficult to do since i feel so strongly about this) It's just that, well, everything in moderation. Yes?



-jeje cola-

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Side Note

I've just realized that a folder on my desktop named "Photos" has actually, all this time, been spelled "Potos" and i just noticed after several months!

Darling, i'm a genius!


I'm going to sit here and write about anything, anything at all, that comes to mind.

First thing i see is my mobile phone in front of me. Sad to say, i've become quite addicted to texting. It's not good for me. But how else am i supposed to keep in touch with my friends? College is a big bully that tore us apart :( haha

Hmmm. i haven't put anything here for so long. haha. i'd apologize but i don't think it really matters. I think the only people who are actually going to read this are jessica and jaja. haha. and they only do so because, we're blood, and therefore they have to make me feel better about myself.

How does one use the justified format here? the senteces arent in line, and it's quite distracting. i'm a bit OC. haha.

what else? do i plan to keep writing here? well, that was the reason i created this in the first place (see: First post entitled "my resolve to write daily") Perhaps i shall try.

Fine. i'll try harder. Jessica, Ja, MAKE ME WRITE! i need it. it's good for me. If the only things in my head are of cells and formulas and solutions, pretty soon i'll go stark-raving mad! MAD I TELL YOU!

i'm going to a friends birthday party tonight! YEY! but i have no idea what to get her. Gaaah. I'm also broke.

i suppose i'll end here.

must. write. better. things.


-jeje cola-