Monday, January 17, 2011

Inspried by one dark night

What I Forget
By: Jessamine Cola

This old house, it hums a silence
Tis still beneath the darkened sky
Not a squeak, nor shuffling of feet
But awake in my bed, I lie.

My chest it rises and it falls
Breathe louder to pierce the quiet
“Twas but a dream,” I tell myself
But a part of me won’t buy it

Unaware as my eyelids slip
That’s when I plummet back to sleep
It’s only there, can they grab hold—
Those buried skeletons I keep

Panting as I’m startled awake
Take a moment to catch my breath
A chill up my spine, I tug on the sheets
To find they’re dampened with cold sweat

Turn to the right, turn to the left
Curl like a ball, but nothing will help
Now flat on my back, my eyes then find
The picture of His face divine

I then sit up and bite my lip
It slipped my mind again
The probing twinge of guilt acts fast
Roll out of bed, I clasp my hands

My knees against the wooden floor
I bow my head. Voice hushed, I say
“I know it’s no excuse, my God
But Lord, I had a busy day.”

I talk, He listens. He listens well
I hear Him only in the quiet
Amazing how, a few words exchanged
Can cause this troubled soul to brighten

There’s one sweet slumber that awaits
A final thought before I drift away
The trick to nightmares is simply this—
I don’t forget to pray


Anonymous said...

someone's having an eat pray love moment :))) thats the first association that popped simply because this had the same effect the first few chapters - her grueling nights and that one epiphany- had on me.