First of all, can I just say how great it feels to be writing without worrying about the next twenty chapters of something or other I've got to tackle.
In my absence, I've realized a few things.
While the world deals with natural calamities, dirty politics, and entire revolutions of the state , I'm writing about some hormonal teenage insecurity or something equally irrelevant. I've decided that I can't just take a back-seat when all these things that are so much bigger than I am are happening . Although I know that merely having something to say on any subject won't do it much good, it's a start. I know that telling you how I feel about Japan's current situation won't save a life or bring solace to a survivor. I know that writing about my concerns on the Philippine administration doesn't meant that someone with authority will listen and do something about it. Nevertheless, I'm going to make an effort to be more informed.
I also realized that while I've got an opinion for everything, these opinions usually arise from the utter lack on information. It's from the bits I hear from the news as I'm leaving for school, or it's the headline on the news paper that I've misinterpreted. Proven by the unruly reaction of people to the hoax text on radiation a few days ago, wrong information can have catastrophic results.
And so here's the plan. Be current and kill the apathy.
I'm also debating on whether I want to start a youtube accout for the above mentioned cause. I'd elaborate,but that will only open up topics of hormonal teenage insecurities.
On a less serious note, my summer vacations have always been spent sitting on my behind doing nothing productive. To prevent this destructive routine, I've made a list of things I've got to get done before class starts
1. run everyday the novels I've been putting on hold up on topics for next semester just so I won't be completely clueless
4.write. more fashion forward (hormonal teenage issue)
6. learn video editing
7. soul searching
The title of this blog is "prologue to change", which means I'll start tomorrow :D
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