I read the first novel on it titled, " A Study In Scarlet" and immediately fell in love with Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and Doyle's writing. After reading some other books, I picked this one up again to start the second novel, but mid-way...I misplaced it. And I haven't seen it for three months... Until today!
I found it inside a bag among a pile of bags I thought were empty. I really should keep an eye on my belongings more carefully.
And I kissed my beloved paperback novel...err. paperback compilation of novels.
Yes, so unfortunately, I've started reading this other book and me thinks it's unhealthy to keep jumping from book to book without finishing them and just going back again (I was juggling Sense and Sensibility, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, No Comebacks and the Witch Of Portobello, GAWSH. I have no self-control!) and usually by that time the story loses a bit of its appeal because the "reading momentum" is gone. (Does that even make sense to anyone else but me? )
So now, I've got the month of May and a couple of days of June to hopefully finish all of them. And I've promised myself to not jump anymore. I'll read them in this order (No one really needs to know this but what the heck!) Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre, The Witch of Portobello, then Wuthering Heights (I'll start over with this one) , and No Comebacks is a bunch of short stories so I don't really need to get into that right now. AND THEN! I'll continue where I left off with Sherlock Holmes. And I'm hoping from now, till that time, I won't lose the book again. hahaha
Just Rambling :P
Oh! Note to Self: Read more contemporary novels
-Jessamine Cola-
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