Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Morning Pages #3

Totally Unrelated Intro: They've given the series 'Psych' another season :) I believe they'll start filming soon. YEY for Psych fans!

I had a summer first last night. I had no trouble sleeping at all. Normally, I'd be in bed, but I'd only be able to sleep 1, sometimes even 2 hours later. Yesterday night, the second I climbed into bed, I was out like a light.

My summer days are pretty routine. I wake up at around 8-9 AM, usually use the computer till lunch time. After lunch, I read, take a break, listen to music, read again, try to write every now and then if an idea comes to mind. Then comes dinner, and I go online for a bit, and then I go watch a movie. And just before bed, I either listen to music or read some more. And it starts all over again.

Yes, my life is that boring. O_O

Sorry, I really have nothing better to write about.


-Jessamine Cola-