Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Morning Pages #2

Morning Pages at 10 30 in the evening! But I have a perfectly good excuse for my lateness. Our internet has been down all day. It came back late in the afternoon... but by that time everyone was preparing for this huge dinner celebration for a newly wed couple in our apartment.

And thus leads to my topic for morning pages this evening--marriage. I was actually a flower girl at my parents' own wedding. (NO, I am not a love child.) I was the flower girl for their 3rd wedding. They've been married 4 times in 18 years. Weird huh?

But despite the many weddings they've had, their married life isn't exactly a bed of roses. I'd know, because I have to listen to them bicker. But I guess that's all part of the whole "spending your life with one person" deal. My parents are very different people, it escapes me why they even got together in the first place. But once you consider all the broken marriages so common these days, my parents are doing a pretty good.

The newly wed couple by the way (bless them) quite differ in their ages. The wife is 9 years older than her husband. Other people react like "UNSA?!?". I've actually have never found it an issue. Expect when your talking 70 year-old's and 20 year-old's. I find that slightly creepy. Like 10, 15 years? is alright for me. If they really love each other, they could make it work. My grandfather is 10 years older than my grandmother... and I know a bunch of other couples who very much differ in age but are very happily married.

(This so does not follow that intro-body-conclusion format they wire into our brains at school) OH WELL!

So, all my best to the newly weds and always praying for the my own rents.

-Jessamine Cola-