Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vortex of the Majority

Credits to: http://oo-rein-oo.deviantart.com/art/Swallowed-By-Society-173665824

The photographer calls this 'Swallowed by Society',which I think pretty much describes situation majority of the population. We are blind sheep following the herd. We live in a world of stereotypes, distorted norms, and pressures from the larger population. And to make matters worse, standards have been damagingly shifted. Pressure to be rich. Pressure to skinny. Pressure to fit in. Forget body image issues or good' ol morality, we all act like life is just one big party.

I bet the philosophers of old had it easy. They could point to a rock and say, "Behold! The origin of beings!" And if they supplied logical proofs, no one could say a darn thing about it. Except maybe pick something else and declare it the ultimate reality. In this day and age, people will point to you and think you're on crack.

Okay fine, maybe this is a little bit personal. But I hate being looked at like I'm a of freak of nature. So I get a little overexcited about stupid things and I find humor where others don't. I like obscure references and think that singing to cheesy love songs is hilarious. I probably overdo my hand gestures and I'm too loud when I get animated. But I'm not going to apologize for it.

(most likely, this is all in my head, and I'm just a tad paranoid)

But for arguments sake, let's say my delusions of being the objeect of people's ridicule is true

don't hate on me because you can't keep up

that was condescending, but no one's going to read this anyway. Bad days make for bad writing (in both contexts of being terribly written and writing something terrible).

Dare to be different
