Tuesday, September 14, 2010

it's 3AM, i must be lonely =P

I've reason to believe that my dreams have blurred with reality. My subconscious delivers far too realistic images through my unconscious mind. If I've shared with you an experience that happened in my dream that I genuinely believed to be true, then I apologize for the confusion. I think this has happened many times. I'm a liar! (Although I don't mean to be) And I only notice a few hours, or maybe days later. By then, it would be far too awkward to bring up the subject again in hopes of correcting myself and taking back my point against heaven.

I can picture it now: Amidst present conversation, I go, "hey do you remember that story I told you about blah3x last blah3x?" I will be received with a blank expression, and then a nod and smile (out of politeness), or perhaps whoever I'm talking to actually remembers but doesn't see where the conversation is going. Regardless, I will do one of two things, either I dismiss the thought altogether (definitely the easier path), or I delve into explanations that need explanations which will waste me a good few minutes. Minutes I could have spent sharing some other bizarre story, that a few hours later, will reveal itself to be a figment of my imagination.

Life Update:

I don't know what it is about the wee hours of the morning that gets me so hyped up. I have spent the last 30 minutes dancing around like a crazy person :)) I suppose it's time I get back to studying.


Cheers! (for all things true, good and beautiful)
